5 Advanced -ish tactics to improve your upcoming SEO Strategies
Digitalization is the new and fast-growing trend all around the world which eventually increases the presence of every type of service on the internet.
In short, we can say every 10th person is making a website for their business growth which makes it quite difficult to rank on SERP and remain in the top position of SERP.
But, you know what every problem is born with its twin which we called as the solution, So for the matter of raking on the SERP the solution is SEO.
Search engine Optimisation abbreviated as SEO is a technique that came in the sector of Digital Marketing Services that is used to make web pages rank on the search engines. In other words, you can say the ultimate motive of SEO is to make you the top preference in user demanded search.
But you know what Google updates its algorithm regularly which makes it quite difficult to rank on the top with the same strategy so to be on the top preference of Google users search demand in the current scenario, we would like to introduce you to 10 advanced -ish tactics to improve your upcoming SEO Strategies.
According to research, more than 3.5 billion searches has been conducted by Google every day that eventually means every minute at least one Google search is done all over the world but you know what all the searches come to an end with the first page itself because more than 75% of users don’t even explore the first page related to their search so to achieve the goal of being in the top user preference you have to use some advanced tactics and here we are going to explore best 10 advanced tactics that would help you to improve your upcoming SEO strategies
Let get started on the journey of advanced — ish tactics
Understand The Current Performance -
Before you target any kind of improvement, firstly discover the areas of improvement, For knowing the facts and figures related to the performance you should do a complete website audit.
This Website audit would help you to understand the stats of your performance you get from the last SEO strategy. It includes all the key points that affect the ranking factor. If you are not an SEO Expert please contact any good SEO Company to help you with the SEO website Audit.
Maintenance Content Freshness -
We consider Content as the root of the company presence because the content is used as the basic appeal for the company. That means the accuracy and freshness of the content help the company to reach the destination called audience engagement.
With reference of language there is a famous quote:
“If you are serving the right purpose then your existence is worth it”.
In terms related to SEO, this quote applies to the content of the website.
To make the users experience great with your website you should analyze the needs of your targeted audience and then respectively you should maintain the content freshness by working in 3 stages.
Update The Existing Content
Creation of something new from the scratch is always easy but before going to create something new you should always look for the improvement in existing opportunities in short as we all know the drive the traffic tour new content is quite a time taking but performing some research and updating the existing content can help us drive the traffic to the website in a much shorter time.
But now a question arises about how to update the existing article so the answer is very simple. There are 3 key points you should focus on while improving the performance of your existing content.
- New Trends and Facts related to your topic
- Performance analysis according to the time scale of the current scenario
- Update it with new keywords for better search appearances
Remove The Not Performing Content
The addition is not always what you need to do with your content sometimes according to the needs of your targeted audience you have to analyze your content and remove the content.
that is not serving the purpose of audience satisfaction.
For analyzing the performance of your content you should use Google search console provided performance report for web pages.
In last Understand the search queries Impressions and match the intent of the queries to your content. Work with striking distance keywords that would eventually improve the focus of your content that eventually increase its visibility and traffic up to a noticeable level in a short time.
Publish New Content
Change is the ultimate rule of the world. Everything in this world changes at a specific time so that’s what it is. You should change your expectations and update new content for your upcoming audience demand.
In simple words, you should be updated with the market needs and by following the market needs you should publish new content regularly for providing the audience knowledge of new trends and information.
Relevant Keywords Stuffing and Fixing Keyword Cannibalization Issues
Keyword plays a very important role in representing your content to Google in simple words: what keyword your targeting is the factor Google uses you for understanding the relevancy of your content for solving user search queries.
This eventually means if you target the correct keyword in respect of your niche you can get in touch with your target audience very effortlessly. To achieve the motive of targeting correct keywords do proper competitive keyword Research and study Keyword intent.
For doing keyword research you can use semrush or Ahref keyword tools. And then make a list of relevant keywords and keyword stuffing in your content in an appropriate manner.
Now that you understand the keyword stuffing process let’s explore the second issue related to keywords that are known as keyword cannibalization.
The term keyword cannibalization is simply defined as the occurrence of similar or identical keywords throughout the content of your web page in simple words if more than two of your web pages are targeting similar or identical keywords then it could be a matter of Keyword cannibalization.
The matter of keyword cannibalization is misunderstood by many people. Yes, it may occur due to using similar or identical keywords on your two different web pages but only if the keyword intent is also similar.
After understanding the issue of Keyword cannibalization one question arises how to find the keyword cannibalization issue within the website and the ways to resolve it so here is the answer to your questions.
For finding the specific keyword cannibalization issues use keyword cannibalization tools provided by semrush or any other company.
After you notice all the issues there some numerous ways how to fix it up likewise-:
- Do the interlinking again and structure it properly.
- Optimize your web pages again and this time take care to target the different keywords concerning different web pages.
- Canonicalize cannibalized pages while merging and consolidating the pages.
Expand Your Website Reach and SERP Real Estate by Using FAQ Schema
In any case, if you are sure of top positions in the ranking so so then your focus should be on maintaining that top position but how do we do that you always agree with the point that the journey to becoming first in any competition is easy but maintaining that position is quite difficult so here we are introducing a way that can help you maintain your prominent position in the SERP.
As we all know Google announced recently the fact that they will support how you can question structured data markup within the Google Assistant and Google search results so why you are not taking advantage of this advanced tactic.
With the help of Google tag manager, you can implement this technique efficiently for the ranking of your pages and for giving a tough fight to your competitors in the ranking aspect.
Skyscraper Technique
Be an opportunist to become victorious. A golden rule of life in simple words if you want to be the king of your niche. Work smartly with the opportunities you can get from your competitors. Let us make it simple in terms of SEO and use the opportunity to drive traffic from competitors’ 404 pages.
For achieving this goal you can use the skyscraper technique and utilize the broken links of your competitor’s organic traffic drivers to your website.
Making your Foundation strong is good enough but using the loopholes of your competitor for your betterment is known as smart play so in the last phase of our journey we introduce you to one of the advanced tactics known as The SkyScraper technique that takes less time in execution and gives you the best results.
Do not follow the trend, be a trend should be a mindset to achieve the desired result.
In short, Do not rush to be on the top, try to work with a technique that traps your audience’s interest in your website and eventually makes you hold a prominent position.
For creating your best upcoming SEO strategies take our blog for your reference and rock in the market.