Google link spam update and its impact on digital marketing
As an amalgamated result of numerous varieties of operated polls all around the world.
we get to know the point that Nowadays, every 10th person is giving rise to one website related to their business and are relinquished in the SEO activities for increasing traffic in a short time which ultimately influences the matter of ranking on Google.
In simple words, nowadays We can say that the competition of being on the top of Google SERP becoming arduous with every passing because the sites that are already on the top of SERP use paid link manner for maintaining their position, which makes it quite more difficult for newcomers to be in the race of ranking.
But as we notice Google has become smarter with time, so to give newcomers a chance Google regularly comes up with different updates such as Panda, Penguin hummingbird,etc…
This means, If an individual claim to hold a prominent position on SERP should have earned complete knowledge related to the Google Algorithms and new digital marketing industry trends and so here in this article, we will discuss one of the most important latest released algorithms known as Google link Spam Update and its Impact on Digital Marketing Industry.
Are you ready To learn about Google Spam Update, Let’s get started
“Everything is beneficial only if we are using it to a limit.”
From our childhood, we have heard this line and that is not wrong if we relate this to our Link Building Strategy.
Doing Link building activity is not wrong but it could be proven harmful to your site if you do not make a proper Digital Marketing Strategy with the limitations provided by Google.
Concerning the above statement, a question arises which type of links are harmful to our website?
The backlinks that were connected to low and poor authority websites are known as Spammy links and these links nominated your site for Google penalty. Which eventually impacts your ranking on SERP in a negative aspect.
To crawl these spammy links and penalize your domain to rank by the wrong method Google introduced Google Link Spam Update on 27 July.
Under the implementation of this update, Google has declared that every website has to show the relation of links with the help of google tags.
The tags provided by Google for each type of link are as follow:-
Affiliate Links- The websites that lend a hand in the affiliate programs have to show the relation of manual and dynamic links with the shown tag: rel=“sponsored”.
Sponsored Links- The links obtained in articles and advertisements by paying a fee to the webmaster is known as “sponsored links or paid links”
The relation of such kind of links are shown with the following tag:rel=“sponsored.
Guest posting Links- The links earned by the guest posting method used the following tag to show the link relationship: rel=“nofollow”.
User-Generated Content- The content uploaded on a website without any editorial review by the user or audience is known as User Generated Content. The comment on a particular blog is an example of User Generated Content. The links earned by this type of content used the following tag to show the link relationship: Rel=“UGC”.
The website that failed to show the proper link relation or we can say the website that did not use these tags properly had been penalized by Google under the impact of this new update.
Types of Link Spam
As we all know that this update includes both external and internal links that eventually affect the link profile. so the website owner should check that the link is safe and secure. But it’s quite difficult to review every link manually.
Thus, here we mention types of Link Spam that should be avoided by us for maintaining a clean link profile.
- Cleansing Domains
- Article Marketing Spam
- Private Blog Networks { PBN}
- Web 2.0 Blog
- Site-wide footer links
- Link Exchanges/Content Swap.
From the above discussion, we come to the conclusion that Google is working to ensure quality over the internet for users and that is why even this year Google suddenly comes up with 7 updates in a single week.
Now even you would be more surprised by the fact that with the respect to all this link relation Google rolled out all the unnatural links and completely implemented this update till 26 August.
Google takes 2 more weeks from the declared period to detect and roll out nullifying links. And Just Like other algorithms and google link spam updates impact digital marketing industry growth.
Basically, Link Spam update 2021 impacts the Growth of each Digital Marketing Company but in a very efficient way because after this update all the sites that are shown in SERP only with the help of black hat SEO get filtered out, and the platform of SERP is given to quality sites.
In simple words After this Google update, the Digital Marketing Industry undergoes a very important change that states that sites that focus on marketing and user satisfaction survived the Link Spam Update and got a prominent position in the race of top Digital Marketing Companies.